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Home > Drive away at in a sentence

Drive away at in a sentence

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Sentence count:8Posted:2019-01-03Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: drive awaygiveawaygive awaydrive atdrive aroundchip away atdrivearrive at
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1) They were still driving away at the encyclopaedia.
2) He drove away at high speed.
3) He was still driving away at his dictionary.
4) He drove away at breakneck speed.
5) I'm still driving away at the dictionary.
6) He sits at his desk for hours,driving away at his work.
7) About a 30 minute drive away at the airport in Fort Lauderdale, several generations of Cubans wait eagerly to visit their families.
8) A short drive away at Rotorua airport I met my pilot, Roger.
More similar words: drive awaygiveawaygive awaydrive atdrive aroundchip away atdrivearrive atdriveldrivendriverdrive updrive bycd drivedrivewaydrive outdrive offdrive indrive-indriversto arrive atsex drivedrive downstrive afteroverdrivedrive intodisk driveself-drivebus drivercabdriver
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